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Colóquio Extraordinário da Pós-Graduação do IFGW - Prof. Steve Walborn (Universidad de Concecpión/Millenium Institute for Research in Optics (MIRO)/Sequre Quantum)
Terça-feira, Abril 09, 2024, 16:00
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Novel Quantum Information tasks with Multicore Optical Fibers

Steve Walborn

Photonic systems are the natural choice for distributing quantum information, since light can be easily routed from one location to another.  Future quantum information networks will most likely need to be compatible with the telecommunications infrastructure. In this regard, the looming capacity crunch in optical fiber communication has fueled much interest in space division multiplexing technology.  One promising candidate are multi-core optical fibers, which have multiple fiber cores within the same cladding.  These fibers are particular interesting in the quantum regime, allowing for higher-dimensional encoding with increased phase stability.    Here I present an overview of current research in the field and discuss our efforts at University of Concepción to employ multi-core fibers for quantum information processing.  In particular, I will present several useful devices, including multi-core fiber beam splitters, and discuss their use for high-quality multi-path interference, experiments in indefinite causal order, and performing generalized quantum measurements.

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