Fontes de Pesquisa
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- Biblioteca
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Conheça aqui as diversas fontes de pesquisa que estão disponíveis na UNICAMP para você: encontre livros, periódicos e outros recursos que fazem parte dos acervos físicos das nossas bibliotecas. Acesse e-books, periódicos eletrônicos e bases de dados, teses e dissertações digitais da Unicamp, patentes, além de diversas outras fontes de pesquisas internacionais. Acesse!
Aqui você encontrará alguns vídeos sobre bases de dados e diversas outras ferramentas de apoio para sua pesquisa.
Tutorial 01 - "Minha Biblioteca para Docentes"
Tutorial 02 – "Instagram: abrindo uma conta e outras dicas"
Tutorial 03 – "Minha Biblioteca para Alunos"
Se o periódico estiver no Acervo Reserva, os usuários com e-mail ifi poderão solicitá-lo através do "Sistema de Chamados do IFGW". Demais usuários podem solicitar enviando um e-mail para
Iniciais: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z | |||
A | Próximo | ||
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Acoustical Physics | - | - | (1993-2009) |
Acta Crystallographica | - | (1948-1967) | - |
Acta Crystallographica A | - | (1968-1990) | (1991-2008) |
Acta Crystallographica B | - | (1968-1990) | (1991-2008) |
Acta Crystallographica C | - | (1983-1990) | (1991-2008) |
Acta Crystallographica D | - | - | (1993-2008) |
Acta Metallurgica | - | (1953-1990) | - |
Acta Metallurgica et Materialia | - | - | (1990-2000) |
Acta Physica: Academia Scientarum Hungaricae | - | (1973-1982) | (1991-1994) |
Acta Physica Austriaca | - | (1972-1985) | - |
Acta Physica Hungarica | - | (1985-1990) | (1996-2006) |
Acta Physica Polonica | - | (1932-1969) | - |
Acta Physica Polonica A | - | (1970-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Acta Physica Polonica B | - | (1968-1990) | (1991-2008) |
Advanced Materials | - | - | (1991-2008) |
Advances in Physics | - | (1952-1990) | (1991-2008) |
American Ceramic Society Bulletin | - | - | - |
American Journal of Physics | - | (1937-1990) | (1991-2009) |
American Scientist | - | (1941-1990) | (1991-2008) |
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências | - | - | - |
Annalen der Physik – Beiblatter | - | (1891-1916) | - |
Annalen der Physik – Folge | - | (1917-1990) | (1991-2008) |
Annales de Chimie et de Physique | - | - | - |
Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré | - | (1933-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Annales de Physique | - | (1921-1990) | (1991-2007) |
Annals of Nuclear Energy | - | (1974-1990) | (1991-2007) |
Annals of Physics | - | (1957-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Annual Reports NMR Spectroscopy | - | (1968-1990) | (1991-2007) |
Annual Report of the Research Reactor Institute Kyoto Univ. | - | (1969-1990) | (1991-1995) |
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics | - | (1963-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences | - | (1973-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Annual Review of Energy | - | (1976-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics | - | (1969-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Annual Review of Materials Science | - | (1971-1990) | (1991-2007) |
Annual Review of Nuclear Science | - | (1952-1990) | - |
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science | - | (1978-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Anuário Astronômico | - | (1981-1989) | (1991-1996) |
Applications of Surface Science | (1977-1985) | - | - |
Applied Energy | - | (1975-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics | (1968-1969) | - | - |
Applied Optics | - | (1962-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Applied Physics | - | (1973-1981) | - |
Applied Physics A | - | (1981-1990) | (1990-2009) |
Applied Physics B | - | (1981-1990) | (1991-2008) |
Applied Physics Letters | - | (1962-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Applied Solar Energy | - | (1965-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Applied Spectroscopy | (1953-1989) | - | - |
Applied Surface Science | - | (1977-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis | - | (1957-1990) | (1991-2008) |
Arkiv für Fysik | (1949-1974) | - | - |
Astronomie L' | - | (1981-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Astronomy and Astrophysics | (1969-1982) | (1983-2000) | (2001-2009) |
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series | (1970-1982) | (1983-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Astroparticle Physics | - | - | (1992-2009) |
Astrophysical Journal | (1942-1983) | (1983-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Astrophysical Journal Suppl. Series | (1963-1982) | (1983-1990) | (1991-1998) |
Astrophysical Letters | - | (1967-1986) | - |
Astrophysical Letters & Comm. | - | (1987-1990) | (1991-2000) |
AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal | - | (1985-1990) | (1990-1996) |
AT&T Technology | - | (1987-1990) | - |
Atmospheric Environment | - | (1976-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Atmospheric Environment A, B | - | (1976-1992) | (1991-2009) |
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | (1963-1990) | - | (1991-2009) |
Atomic Energy Review | - | (1977-1980) | - |
Atomkern Energie | - | (1960-1990) | - |
Australian Journal of Physics | - | (1961-1990) | (1991-2000) |
Australian Journal of Physics: Astro. Supplement | - | (1967) | - |
B | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Bell Laboratories Record | (1926-1985) | - | - |
Bell System Technical Journal | - | (1922-1985) | (1997-2008) |
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Com. | (1959-1971) | - | - |
Biomedicine | - | (1973-1981) | - |
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy | - | (1982-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Biophysical Journal | (1960-1972) | (1973-1991) | (1991-2009) |
Biophysics of Structure and Mechanism | - | (1974-1990) | - |
Biophysik | (1971-1972) | - | - |
Boletim Informativo | (1975-1988) | - | - |
Boletin de la Sociedad Mexicana de Física | - | - | (1994-2001) |
Brazilian Journal of Medical & Biological Research | - | (1982-1990) | (1995-2002) |
Brazilian Journal of Physics | - | - | (1995-2009) |
British Journal of Applied Physics | (1950-1967) | - | - |
Bulletin de la Soc. Française Mineralogie de Cristallography | - | (1974-1988) | - |
Bulletin d’Informations Scientifiques et Techniques | (1958-1974) | - | - |
Bulletin de La Société Française de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie | - | (1974-1977) | - |
Bulletin de Mineralogie | - | (1978-1988) | - |
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - Chicago | (1945-1972) | (1973-1990) | (1991-2007) |
C | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Cadernos de História e Filosofia da Ciência | - | (1980-1996) | (1991-2000) |
Canadian Journal of Research | - | (1929-1950) | - |
Canadian Journal of Physics (Antigo Research) | - | (1951-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Canadian Journal of Spectroscopy | - | (1976-1990) | (1991-2004) |
Cern Courier | (1968-1971) | (1975-1990) | (1991-2010) |
Chaos | - | - | (1996-2009) |
Chinese Journal of Physics | (1965-1967) | - | - |
Chinese Journal of Chemicas Physics | - | - | (2008-2009) |
Chinese Physics | - | - | (2003-2007) |
Chinese Physics B | - | - | (2008-2009) |
Chinese Physics Letters | - | - | (2003-2009) |
Ciência e Cultura | (1958-1991) | - | (1996-2006) |
Ciência Hoje | - | (1982-1990) | (1991-2008) |
Classical and Quantum Gravity | - | (1984-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Commentationes Physico Mathematical | - | (1977-1990) | (1991-1994) |
Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics | - | (1969-1990) | (1991-1999) |
Comments on Condensed Matter Physics | - | (1986-1989) | (1992-1998) |
Comments on Nuclear and Particle Physics | (1967-1969) | (1970-1990) | (1991-1995) |
Comments on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | - | (1972-1990) | (1991-1999) |
Comments on Solid State Physics | - | (1968-1986) | - |
Communication in Mathematical Physics | - | (1965-1996) | (1992-2009) |
Computer in Physics | - | - | (1990-1998) |
Computer Physics Communications | - | (1969-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Condensed Matter News | - | - | (1991-2000) |
Contemporary Physics | - | (1973-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Cryogenics | (1967-1976) | (1961-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Cryogenics Engineering | (1967-1969) | - | (1998-2001) |
Cryogenics and Industrial Gases | (1971-1976) | - | - |
Crystal Lattice Defects | - | (1969-1989) | - |
Crystallography Reports | - | - | (1993-2009) |
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | - | (1958-1990) | (1991-2006) |
D | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Defect and Diffusion Forum | - | (1988-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Diffusion and Defect Data | (1967-1972) | (1973-1990) | - |
Digital Design | (1972-1989) | - | - |
Doklady Physics | - | - | (1998-2009) |
E | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | - | (1971-1995) | (1996-2009) |
Efemerides Astronomicas | (1985-1987) | - | - |
Electron Technology | (1979-1990) | (1979-1990) | (1991-2000) |
Electronics | - | (1930-1990) | (1992-1998) |
Electronics Letters | - | (1965-1990) | (1989-2009) |
Electronics World | - | - | (1996-2009) |
Electronics World + Wireless World | - | (1984-1990) | (1991-1995) |
Energy | - | (1976-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Energy Conversion | (1968-1975) | - | - |
Energy Policy | - | (1973-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Energy Sources | - | (1973-1992) | (1991-2009) |
European Biophysics Journal | - | (1984-1990) | (1991-2009) |
European Journal of Mineralogy | - | (1989-1990) | (1991-2009) |
European Journal of Physics | - | (1980-1990) | (1991-2009) |
European Letters | - | (1986-1990) | - |
European Physical Journal | - | - | (1998-1999) |
European Physical Journal A | - | - | (1998-2009) |
European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter | - | - | (1998-2009) |
European Physical Journal C: Particle and Fields | - | - | (1998-2009) |
European Physical Journal D: Atomic,Molecular | - | - | (2008-2009) |
European Physical Journal E | - | - | (2003-2009) |
Europhysics Letters | - | (1986-1990) | (1991-2009) |
F | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Ferroelectrics | (1970-1982) | (1970-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Ferroelectrics Bulletin | (1986-1991) | - | - |
Few Body Systems | - | (1986-1990) | (2007-2009) |
Fiber and Integrated Optics | - | (1977-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Fortschritte der Physik | (1953-1972) | (1973-1990) | (2001-2009) |
Fossil Energy Updadte | (1979-1986) | - | - |
Foundations of Physics | - | (1970-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Foundations of Physics Letters | - | (1990-1990) | (1991-2006) |
G | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
General Relativity and Gravitation | - | (1970-1990) | (1990-2009) |
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | - | (1974-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Geophysical Research Letters | (1974-1976) | - | - |
Glass Thechnology | - | (1976-1990) | (1991-2009) |
H | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Hadronic Journal | - | (1986-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Helvetica Physica Acta | (1928-1973) | (1973-1990) | (1991-1998) |
High Temperature | (1968-1983) | (1984-1990) | (1991-2009) |
High Temperatures High Pressures | (1969-1983) | (1973-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Hyperfine Interactions | - | (1975-1991) | (1991-2009) |
I | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Icarus | (1963-1984) | (1985-1990) | (1991-2009) |
IEEE Electron Device Letters | - | (1980-1998) | (1998-2005) |
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics | - | (1965-1983) | (1991-1996) |
IEEE Spectrum | - | (1971-1994) | (1995-2009) |
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices | - | (1962-1994) | (1995-2005) |
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics | - | (1965-1992) | (1993-2009) |
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science | - | (1973-1994) | (1995-2009) |
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | - | (1973-1997) | (1998-2009) |
Imaging Science Journal | - | - | (1997-2009) |
Indian Journal of Physics | (1960-1974) | (1975-1990) | (1991-1998) |
Indian Journal of Physics A | - | (1975-1993) | (1994-2008) |
Indian Journal of Physics B | - | (1977-1993) | (1994-2006) |
Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics | - | (1963-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics | (1953-1982) | (1985-1990) | (1993-2000) |
Industrial Research | (1959-1983) | - | - |
Infrared Physics | - | (1976-1990) | (1989-2009) |
Intech - Instrumentation Technology | - | (1967-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Interior | (1981-1984) | - | - |
International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes | (1968-1978) | - | - |
International Journal Air and Water | (1961-1966) | - | - |
International Journal of Energy Research | - | (1981-1995) | (1996-2009) |
International Journal of Hidrogen Energy | - | (1984-1990) | - |
International Journal of Infrared and Millimiter Waves | - | (1981-1990) | (1991-2009) |
International Journal of Modern Physics A | - | - | (1991-2009) |
International Journal of Modern Physics B | - | (1987-1989) | (1991-2009) |
International Journal of Quantum Biology Symposia | - | (1974-1990) | - |
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry | (1967-1983) | (1981-1990) | (1991-2009) |
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Symposia | - | (1967-1989) | (1991-2006) |
International Journal of Theoretical Physics | - | (1968-1990) | (2007-2009) |
International Materials Review | - | (1987-1990) | (1991-2009) |
International Metals Reviews | - | (1974-1990) | - |
J | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 1 | (1985-1991) | (1962-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2 | (1985-1991) | - | - |
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Letters | (1980-1980) | (1980-1990) | (1991-2009) |
JETP Letters | - | - | (1991-2009) |
JOM - Journal of Metals | - | (1949-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Acoustical Society of America | - | (1930-1990) | (1990-2009) |
Journal of Allows and Compounds | - | - | (1991-2009) |
Journal of American Ceramic Society | (1974-1978) | - | - |
Journal of Applied Crystallography | - | (1968-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Applied Physics | (1958-1992) | (1931-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Applied Probability | (1964-1982) | (1985-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Applied Spectroscopy | - | (1969-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of the Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics | (1976-1984) | (1985-1990) | (1991-2007) |
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | (1976-1989) | - | - |
Journal of Catalysis | (1962-1986) | - | - |
Journal of Chemical Physics | - | (1933-1986) | - |
Journal of Computational Physics | - | (1966-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Crystal Growth | - | (1967-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of the Electrochemical Society | - | (1948-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Electron Microscopy | - | (1971-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy | - | (1972-1985) | - |
Journal of Electronic Materials | - | (1972-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics | - | - | (1993-2009) |
Journal of the Franklin Institute | (1932-1983) | (1985-1990) | (1991-2007) |
Journal of Fusion Energy | - | (1981-1990) | (1991-2000) |
Journal of Geophysical Research | (1942-1984) | (1985-1985) | - |
Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics | (1985-1995) | (1996-2000) | (2001-2010) |
Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth | (1985-1995) | (1996-2000) | (2001-2010) |
Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans | (1985-1995) | (1996-2000) | (2001-2010) |
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres | (1984-1997) | (1998-2000) | (2001-2010) |
Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets | (1991-1995) | - | (1996-2010) |
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science | (1963-1983) | (1986-1990) | (1991-2002) |
Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute | (1946-1973) | - | - |
Journal of Korean Physical Society | (1991-1999) | - | - |
Journal of the Less Common Metals | (1959-1983) | (1984-1990) | (1991-1991) |
Journal of Low Temperature Physics | - | (1969-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Luminescence | - | (1970-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Magnetic Resonance | - | (1969-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials | - | (1975-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Materials Processing Technology | - | - | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Materials Science | - | (1966-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Materials Science Letters | - | (1982-1990) | (1991-2003) |
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Eletronics | - | (1990-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine | - | (1990-1990) | (1990-2009) |
Journal of Mathematical Physics | - | (1960-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Mechanical Working Technology | - | (1977-1990) | - |
Journal of the Mechanics & Physics of Solids | - | (1952-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Microscopie | (1971-1974) | - | - |
Journal of Modern Optics | - | (1987-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Non Classical Logic | - | - | (1983-1991) |
Journal of Non Crystalline Solids | - | (1976-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Non Equilibrium Thermodynamics | (1976-1979) | - | - |
Journal of Nuclear Energy | (1954-1973) | - | - |
Journal of Nuclear Materials | - | (1959-1992) | (1993-2009) |
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology | - | (1964-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Optical Communications | - | (1980-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of the Optical Society of America | - | (1917-1983) | - |
Journal of the Optical Society of America A | - | (1984-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of the Optical Society of America B | - | (1984-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Optical Technology | - | - | (1994-2009) |
Journal of Optics | - | (1970-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Petroleum Technology | - | (1951-1990) | (1991-2010) |
Journal of Phase Equilibria | - | - | (1992-2009) |
Journal of Photographic Science | (1953-1982) | (1984-1990) | (1991-1996) |
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | - | (1946-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Physics | - | (1989-1990) | - |
Journal of Physics A | - | (1968-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Physics B | - | (1968-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Physics C | - | (1968-1988) | - |
Journal of Physics D | - | (1968-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Physics E | - | (1964-1990) | - |
Journal of Physics F | - | (1971-1988) | - |
Journal of Physics G | - | (1975-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids | - | (1956-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal de Physique | - | (1963-1990) | (1991-1997) |
Journal de Physique Colloque | - | (1965-1990) | (1991-1997) |
Journal de Physique et le Radium | (1920-1962) | - | - |
Journal de Physique Lettres | - | (1974-1985) | - |
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research | - | - | (1995-2000) |
Journal of Plasma Physics | - | (1967-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Chemistry | - | (1965-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Letters | - | (1965-1990) | - |
Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics | - | (1968-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Symposia | - | (1976-1985) | - |
Journal of Polymer Science: Macromolecular Reviews | (1972-1981) | - | - |
Journal of Power Sources | - | (1977-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy | - | (1973-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal Research of NBS: Physics Chemistry | (1967-1973) | - | - |
Journal Research of NBS: Mathematical Science | (1967-1970) | - | - |
Journal of Solid State Chemistry | - | (1969-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Statistical Physics | - | (1969-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Superconductivity | - | (1988-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Synchrontron Radiation | - | - | (1994-1995) |
Journal of Testing and Evaluation | - | (1976-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Vacum Science & Technology | - | (1964-1982) | - |
Journal of Vacum Science & Technology A | - | (1983-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Journal of Vacum Science & Technology B | - | (1983-1990) | (1991-2009) |
K | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Kerntechnik | - | (1987-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Kinam | (1979-1984) | - | - |
Kinetics and Catalysis | (1981-1982) | - | - |
L | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Laser Focus | (1966-1983) | (1984-1990) | (1991-1996) (1999-2009) |
Lecture Notes in Physics | - | - | (1991-2007) |
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento | - | (1969-1985) | - |
Letters in Mathematical Physics | - | (1979-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Linde Berichte aus Technik und Wissenschaft | - | (1976-1990) | (2004-2008) |
Low Temperature Physics | - | - | (1993-2009) |
M | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Manuscrito | (1991-2001) | - | - |
Matematisk-fysiske Meddelelser | (1978-1999) | - | - |
Materials Chemistry and Physics | (1983) | - | - |
Materials Engineering | (1979-1993) | - | - |
Materials Evaluation | (1967-1969) | - | - |
Materials Research Bulletin | - | (1966-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Materials Science and Engineering B | (1974-1993) | - | (1988-2003) |
Materials Transactions | - | - | (1990-2009) |
Measurement Science and Technology | - | - | (1990-2009) |
Medical Physics | (1974-1979) | - | - |
Metal Finishing | (1973-1975) | - | - |
Metals Technology | - | (1974-1982) | - |
Metalurgia | (1987-1991) | - | - |
Metalurgical Transactions | (1973-1982) | - | - |
Metrologia | (1976-1979) | - | - |
Minérios | (1982-1988) | - | - |
Mining Engineering | (1978-1983) | (1984-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Modern Physics Letters A | - | (1990) | (1991-2009) |
Modern Physics Letters B | - | (1987-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | (1970-1983) | (1985-1990) | (1991-1997) |
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals - Bulletin | - | (1986-1991) | - |
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals - Letters | - | (1976-1979) | - |
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals - Letters Section | - | (1985-1990) | - |
Molecular Physics | - | (1958-1993) | (1994-2009) |
Monthly Notices of the R. ª S. | - | (1982-1993) | (1994-2009) |
N | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
NanoStructured Materials | - | - | (1992-1993) |
National Geography | (1976-1983) | - | - |
Nature | (1936-1969) | - | (1998-2009) |
Nonlinear Optics | - | (1991-1994) | - |
Nonlinearity | - | (1988-1996) | (1997-2009) |
Nuclear Data Sheets | (1966-1982) | - | (1991-2007) |
Nuclear Energy | - | (1977-1990) | (1991-2004) |
Nuclear Fusion | - | (1960-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research | (1957-1983) | - | - |
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A | - | (1984-1993) | (1993-2009) |
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B | - | (1984-1993) | (1995-2009) |
Nuclear Physics | (1956-1966) | - | - |
Nuclear Physics A | (1967-1983) | (1984-1992) | (1993-2009) |
Nuclear Physics B | (1967-1974) | (1975-1993) | (1994-2009) |
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings | - | - | (1992-2009) |
Nuclear Tracks Detection | - | (1977-1990) | - |
Nuclear Tracks and Radiation | - | - | (1991-1997) |
Nuovo Cimento | (1952-1965) | - | - |
Nuovo Cimento A | (1965-1983) | (1991-1993) | (1994-1998) |
Nuovo Cimento B | (1965-1983) | (1991-1993) | (1994-2009) |
Nuovo Cimento C | (1978-1983) | (1991-1995) | (1996-2009) |
Nuovo Cimento D | (1982-1990) | (1991-1993) | (1994-1998) |
Nuovo Cimento - Suplemento | (1950-1968) | - | - |
O | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Oil and Gas Journal | (1956-1959) | (1960-1995) | (1996-2009) |
Optica Acta | (1958) | (1975-1986) | - |
Optical and Quantum Eletronics | - | (1974-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Optical Spectra | (1974-1983) | - | - |
Optics Communications | - | (1969-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Optics and Laser Technology | - | (1976-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Optics Letters | - | (1977-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Optics and Spectroscopy | (1956-1968) | (1969-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Optik | (1946-1982) | (1984-1990) | (1990-2009) |
Optika i Spektrosckopia | - | (1954-1990) | - |
Orion | - | (1981-1990) | (1991-2009) |
P | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
PC Magazine Brasil | - | - | (1991-1999) |
Phase Transitions | - | (1981-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Philips Journal of Research | - | (1978-1990) | (1991-1998) |
Philips Research Reports | - | (1949-1976) | - |
Philips Research Reports - Supplements | - | (1962-1976) | - |
Philips Technical Review | (1956-1986) | - | - |
Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science | (1827-1850) | (1851-1949) | - |
Philosophical Magazine | - | (1950-1987) | - |
Philosophical Magazine A | - | (1977-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Philosophical Magazine B | - | (1978-1990) | (1991-2002) |
Philosophical Magazine Letters | - | (1987-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London | - | (1889-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Photonics Spectra | (1982-1983) | (1984-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physica | - | (1934-1974) | - |
Physica A | - | (1975-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physica B + C | - | (1976-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physica B | - | - | (1991-2009) |
Physica C | - | (1988-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physica D | - | (1980-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physica Scripta | - | (1970-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physica Status Solid A e B - INDEX | - | (1971-1989) | (1991-1998) |
Physica Status Solidi | - | (1963-1970) | - |
Physica Status Solidi A | - | (1970-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physica Status Solidi B | - | (1963-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physical Review | - | (1894-1970) | - |
Physical Review A | - | (1970-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physical Review B | - | (1970-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physical Review C | - | (1970-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physical Review D | - | (1970-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physical Review E | - | - | (1993-2009) |
Physical Review Letters - Index | - | (1961-1990) | - |
Physical Review Letters | - | (1958-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physics of Atomic Nuclei | - | - | (1993-2009) |
Physics Bulletin | (1974-1989) | - | - |
Physics and Chemistry of Glasses | - | (1977-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals | - | (1977-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physics of Condensed Matter | (1973-1975) | - | - |
Physics Education | - | (1973-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physics of Fluids | - | (1958-1988) | - |
Physics of Fluids A | - | (1989-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physics of Fluids B | - | (1989-1990) | (1991-1993) |
Physics Letters | - | (1962-1966) | - |
Physics Letters A | - | (1967-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physics Letters B | - | (1967-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physics of Low – Dimensional | - | - | (1995-1998) |
Physics of Metals and Metallography | - | (1957-1990) | (1991-2001) |
Physics of Particles and Nuclei | - | - | (1993-2009) |
Physics Reports | - | (1971-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physics of the Solid State | - | - | (1993-2009) |
Physics in Technology | (1973-1988) | - | - |
Physics Theacher | - | (1966-1987) | - |
Physics Today | - | (1948-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physics Uspekhi | - | - | (1993-2009) |
Physics World | - | (1989-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Physik der Kondensierten | (1963-1973) | - | - |
Physikalische Zeitschrift | (1909-1945) | - | - |
Pipeline and Gas J. | - | (1974-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing | - | (1981-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Plasma Physics | - | (1959-1984) | (1991-1997) |
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | - | (1984-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Plasma Physics Reports | - | - | (1993-2009) |
Powder Diffraction | - | (1986-1993) | (1995-2009) |
Powder Metallurgy International | - | (1969-1992) | (1991-1998) |
Power Quality | - | - | (1995) |
Pramana: Journal of Physics | - | (1973-1992) | (1993-2009) |
Proceedings of the IRE | (1947-1983) | - | (1991-1998) |
Proceedings of the IEE | (1965-1983) | - | - |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | (1952-1983) | - | (1993-1998) |
Proceedings Physical Society of London | - | (1914-1967) | (1991-1997) |
Proceedings Royal Society of London – Série A | - | (1926-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization | - | (1977-1990) | (1991-2000) |
Progress in Materials Science | - | (1961-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Progress in Natural Science | - | - | (1993-1997) |
Progress in Nuclear Energy | - | (1977-1985) | - |
Progress in Nuclear Physics | - | (1950-1974) | (1991-1992) |
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics | - | (1976-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Progress in Quantum Electronics | - | (1969-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Progress of Theoretical Physics | - | (1946-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement | - | (1956-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Pure and Applied Geophysics | - | (1974-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Q | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Quantum and Semiclassical Optics | - | - | (1991-2005) |
Quantum Eletronics | - | - | (1993-2009) |
Quantum Optics | - | (1989) | (1991-1995) |
R | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Radiation Effects | - | (1969-1984) | - |
Radiation Effects and Deffects in Solids | - | (1983-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Radiation Effects Express | - | (1987-1989) | (1991-1992) |
Radiation Effects Letters | - | (1979-1983) | (1991-1992) |
Radiation Effects Letters Section | - | (1984-1986) | (1991-1992) |
Radiation and Enviroment Biophysics | - | (1975-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Recherche ( La) | (1970-1983) | - | - |
Reports on Progress in Physics | - | (1934-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Research & Development | - | (1984-1990) | (1991-2006) |
Review of Scientific Instruments | (1930-1979) | - | (1998-2009) |
Reviews in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics | - | - | (1991-1999) |
Reviews of Modern Physics | - | (1929-2000) | (1991-2009) |
Revista Brasileira de Física | (1971-1991) | (1992-2006) | (2001-2009) |
Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia | (1970-1989) | - | (1991-1998) |
Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia - Suplemento | (1974) | - | - |
Revista de Ensino de Física | (1979-1990) | - | - |
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física | - | (1992-2006) | - |
Revista de Finanças Públicas | (1973-1988) | - | - |
Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação | (1985-1990) | (1990-2004) | - |
Revista da Industria | (1988-1989) | - | - |
Revista Mexicana de Física | (1952-1990) | (1991-1991) | (1992-2009) |
Revista Nacional de Telecomunicações | (1981-1983) | (1984-1990) | (1991-1997) |
Revista Telebrás | (1985-1997) | - | - |
Revue Française de L’Energy | - | (1970-1990) | (2001-2009) |
Revue International Des Hautes Temperature et Des Refractaires | - | (1979-1996) | - |
Revue Internationale D'Heliotechnique | (1975-1981) | - | - |
Revue de Physique Appliquéé | - | (1966-1990) | - |
Revue Roumaine de Physique | (1981-1988) | - | - |
Ricierca Scientifica (La) | (1972-1976) | - | - |
Rivista Del Nuovo Cimento | - | (1991-2000) | (2000-2009) |
Romanian Journal of Physics | - | - | (1995-2009) |
Russian Physics Journal | - | - | (1991-2009) |
S | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Science | (1960-1991) | (1992-1997) | (1998-2009) |
Science News | (1966-1985) | (1986-2006) | (2007-2009) |
Scientia | (1910-1986) | - | - |
Scientific American | - | (1962-2000) | (2001-2008) |
Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia | - | (1967-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Scripta Materialia | - | - | (1996-2009) |
Semiconductor Science and Technology | - | (1986-2001) | (2002-2009) |
Semiconductors | - | - | (1993-2009) |
Sky & Telescope | - | (1980-1990) | - |
Solar Energy | - | (1957-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Solar Energy Materials | - | (1979-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Solid State Communications | - | (1963-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Solid State Phenomena | - | - | (1991-2009) |
Solid State Technology | (1968-1999) | - | - |
Smart Materials and Structures | - | - | (2002-2009) |
Soviet Electrochemistry | (1975-1982) | - | - |
Soviet Journal of Low Temperature Physics | - | (1975-1992) | - |
Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics | - | (1965-1992) | - |
Soviet Journal of Optical Technology | - | (1968-1993) | - |
Soviet Journal of Particles & Nuclei | - | (1986-1992) | - |
Soviet Journal of Plasma Physics | - | (1975-1992) | - |
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics | - | (1971-1992) | - |
Soviet Physics Acoustics | (1955-1974) | (1975-1992) | - |
Soviet Physics Crystallography | - | (1956-1992) | - |
Soviet Physics Doklady | - | (1956-1992) | - |
Soviet Physics JETP | - | (1955-1992) | - |
Soviet Physics JETP Letters | - | (1965-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Soviet Physics Journal | - | (1977-1991) | - |
Soviet Physics Semiconductors | - | (1967-1992) | - |
Soviet Physics Solid State | - | (1959-1992) | - |
Soviet Physics Technical Physics | - | (1956-1999) | - |
Soviet Physics Uspekhi | (1958-1974) | (1974-1990) | - |
Space Science Reviews | - | (1977-1996) | (1997-2009) |
Spectrachimica Acta | - | (1968-1971) | - |
Speculations in Science and Technology | - | (1978-1999) | - |
Structure Reports | (1940-1961) (1981-1985) | - | - |
Superlattices and Microstructures | - | (1985-1990) | (1997-2009) |
Surface and Interface Analysis | - | (1979-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Surface Science | - | (1964-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Surface Science Reports | (1981-1991) | - | - |
Synthetic Metals | - | (1985-1990) | (1991-2009) |
T | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Technical Physics | - | - | (1991-2009) |
Technology Review | (1969-1971) | - | - |
Technology in Society | (1979-1981) | - | - |
Terrestrial Magnetism (Journal of G. Research) | (1896-1948) | - | - |
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics | - | (1969-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Thin Solid Films | - | (1971-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Transactions Materials | - | (1990) | - |
Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals | - | (1974-1988) | - |
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics | - | (1977-1990) | (1991-2009) |
U | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Ultra Microscopy | (1975-1980) | - | - |
USSR Computacional Mathematics and Mathematical Physics | (1962-1972) | - | - |
V | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Vacuum | - | (1951-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Vakuum Technik | (1962-1986) | - | - |
Vide, Les Couches Minces | - | (1978-1990) | - |
W | Início | Próximo | |
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Wave Electronics | (1974-1983) | - | - |
Wiriless World | - | (1949-1990) | - |
Z | Início | ||
Título | Acervo Reserva | Deslizante | Acervo |
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte | (1948-1972) | - | - |
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie | - | (1877-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Zeitschrift fur Metallographie | - | (1911-1918) | - |
Zeitschrift für Metallkunde | - | (1959-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Zeitschrift für Naturfoschung A | - | (1947-1990) | (2001-2009) |
Zeitschrift für Naturfoschung B | - | (1946-1990) | (1991-2009) |
Zeitschrift für Physik | - | (1920-1974) | - |
Zeitschrift für Physik A | - | (1975-1997) | - |
Zeitschrift für Physik B | - | (1975-1997) | - |
Zeitschrift für Physik C | - | (1979-1990) | (1991-1997) |
Zeitschrift für Physik D | - | (1986-1993) | (1994-1997) |
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