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Colóquio da pós-graduação do IFGW - Prof. Felipe Pinheiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
Quinta-feira, Agosto 10, 2023, 16:00
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TITLE: Localisation of light: from random to aperiodic metamaterials


Prof. Felipe Pinheiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

ABSTRACT: Anderson localisation is a wave phenomenon leading to a breakdown of wave propagation in strongly disordered media. It may occur for all types of waves: sound, microwaves, light, and quantum waves at low temperatures. However, despite intense efforts during the last 30 years, there is no unquestionable observation of light localisation in three-dimensions so far, may be due to insufficient optical contrast between the components of the disordered material and near-field effects.

After reviewing the concept of Anderson localisation, we will discuss an alternative material platform to investigate light localisation:  aperiodic metamaterials. Although these metamaterials do not occur in nature, they are inspired by biological structures such as sunflowers. We show that light localisation in aperiodic structures is possible thanks to their distinctive structural correlation properties that enable collective electromagnetic excitations with strong light-matter coupling.

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