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Colóquio da Pós-Graduação/ SCES Webinar Series - Session 5: Workshop - 20 years of the 115's: past, present, and future
Quinta-feira, Novembro 12, 2020, 12:00
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Neste Colóquio teremos quatro apresentações:
1) Título: The 115 Superconductors: Window on a new world of quantum materials.
Piers Coleman (Center for Materials Theory Rutgers University)
Twenty years ago, moving from CeIn3, to CeRhin5, CeCoIn5, CeIrIn5 to PuCoGa5, the quantum materials community succeeded in driving up the superconducting
transition temperature by a factor of a hundred, from 0.1K to 18.5K. This is a dream that our field longs to replicate in other families of quantum materials, but we are still lacking key pieces of the puzzle to enable a next leap. In the meantime, these miniature high temperature superconductors have proven themselves to be a vital work-horse for studying the same combinations of d-wave pairing, strange metal and quantum criticality that feature at much higher temperatures in their transition metal cousins.
I will discuss the theoretical puzzles raised by these superconductors, reviewing both the theoretical progress, and the key questions -
the nature of the strange metal, the quantum criticality and the curious relationship between Kondo, antiferromagnetic and superconducting
entanglement, emphasizing the wide-open opportunities for new conceptual understanding in this vibrant area of research.
Work supported by NSF grant DMR-1830707.
2) Titulo: “Kondo nano-structures and lattices: quantum Monte Carlo studies”.
Fakher Assaad (University of Wurzburg, Germany)
3) Título: "What can we learn from the 218s?"
Cris Adriano (IFGW/Unicamp - Brazil)
4) Título: "Structural complexity in CeIrIn5 and CeCoIn5"
Steffen Wirth (Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany)
O Colóquio será transmitido pelo Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/9909853989?pwd=ViszeWF4ei9KdnRzaWk2MENsamdTUT09

ID da reunião: 990 985 3989
Senha de acesso: 253510  
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