Szabolcs Márka é o palestrante do Seminário do DRCC no dia 03/06
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- Szabolcs Márka é o palestrante do Seminário do DRCC no dia 03/06
O Departamento de Raios Cósmicos e Cronologia (DRCC) promoverá, na quarta-feira (03/06), o seminário “Decades of excitement! Why we remain enthusiastic about multimessenger
science with gravitational-waves?”, com o palestrante Szabolcs Márka, professor da Columbia University, EUA. O professor Donato Giorgio Torrieri, coordenador dos seminários, informa que Márka é membro fundador do LIGO, o experimento que descobriu ondas gravitacionais e levou ao prêmio Nobel de 2016.
O seminário terá início às 16h e será à distância, pelo Zoom, por conta das normas de isolamento social seguidas pela Unicamp.
Interessados em participar deverão enviar e-mail para
A seguir, o resumo da palestra:
“The discovery of gravitational waves and their multimessenger fingerprint has opened tremendous opportunities for astrophysics. Extraordinary instrumental breakthroughs in gravitational-wave detectors on Earth and in Space, in electromagnetic and in neutrino observatories lead to an information explosion, rapidly expanding humanity’s cosmic and scientific horizons. In this talk, I will discuss the history and promise of seamlessly integrating data streams of gravitational-wave, neutrino, and electromagnetic observatories. I will elaborate on the evolution of the idea that multimessenger science can lead to a uniquely precise understanding of the astronomical sources and the underlying physical processes.
Multimessenger astrophysics with gravitational-waves has a rich history that I will also describe. LIGO, Virgo, Kagra, and LISA invested in multimessenger astrophysics for decades, and it shall open new windows on the universe that I will highlight.”
Szabolcs Márka
Crédito da foto: Columbia University
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