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Colóquio da pós-graduação - Prof. George Balster Martins (Instituto de Física/ UFU)
Quinta-feira, Novembro 21, 2019, 16:00
Contato: Luciana

Título: "Kondo in 1d and quasi-1d spin-orbit-coupled environments: Rashba quantum-wire and Silicene
zigzag nanoribbons"


In this work, it is shown that some aspects of the Kondo effect in a spin-orbit-coupled (SOC) metal can
be understood in fairly simple terms by analyzing the symmetry properties of the Hamiltonian for the single
impurity Anderson model (SIAM). Indeed, the preservation of time-reversal symmetry guarantees that the finite-
SOC hybridization matrix has the same structure (diagonal and spin independent) as that for the zero-SOC
SIAM. Thus, the finite-SOC Kondo state is qualitatively similar to that for a zero-SOC SIAM, albeit with an
SOC-renormalized Kondo temperature. In addition, despite the loss of isotropy introduced by a finite Rashba
spin-orbit coupling, NRG results show that the impurity’s magnetic susceptibility is isotropic. On the other
hand, the fingerprints of the broken SU(2) symmetry are revealed by the correlations between the impurity and
the SOC Fermi sea electrons, leading to the formation of a qualitatively different Kondo cloud. Illustrative
examples are given through the Kondo effect for an impurity coupled to (i) a Rashba quantum wire1,2 and (ii)
topologically protected edge states in a Silicene zigzag nanoribbon3,4.
PACS numbers: 72.10.Fk,72.15.Qm,73.22.-f,75.30.Hx,75.70.Tj

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