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Colóquio extraordinário da pós-graduação - Profa. Laura H. Greene (National High Magnetic Field Lab Florida State University)
Quarta-feira, Março 13, 2019, 16:00
Contato: Luciana

Título“And, I am a Materials Girl…”

Resumo: Being a physicist is not simply my job or my career, but an integral part of what defines me.  I don’t know if I was hard-wired for it at birth or “bitten by the science bug” at an early age, but it was just what I needed to do. I always feel lucky and honored to be a part it; but there have been challenges! I will discuss some of my journey in physics, always fueled by passion in this “seductive and consuming” field for so long.

Laura Greene is the chief scientist at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and the Francis Eppes Professor of Physics at Florida State University. Her research is in experimental condensed matter physics with a focus on quantum materials, including topological matter and high-temperature superconductors. As the 2017 president of the American Physical Society (APS), Greene’s theme was science diplomacy and human rights. She serves on the Board of Directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and is vice president of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). A champion for diversity, she works with teams that promote the success of young scientists, particularly in developing countries. She plays leadership advisory roles for DOE, NSF, and the National Academy of Science Engineering and Medicine (NASEM); recently co-chair of the NASEM Decadal Survey for Materials Research. Greene’s visiting positions include CNRS-Orsay, UC-Irvine, Cambridge-UK, and Seoul National; Editorial positions include Reports on the Progress in Physics (editor-in-chief), Philosophical Transactions A, Current Opinions in Solid State & Materials Science (COSSMS), and the Cuban Journal of Physics. Greene is a member of the NASEM, and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Institute of Physics (UK), the AAAS, and the APS. Recognitions include a Guggenheim fellowship, the Lawrence Award for Materials Research, the Maria Goeppert-Mayer Award. She has co-authored over 200 publications and presented over 550 invited talks.

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