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Seminário DFMC - “Mechanisms to understand the evolution of cooperation at different levels of complexity in social and biological systems” - Dr. Luis A. Martinez-Vaquero (ISTC-CNR, Italy)
Terça-feira, Agosto 07, 2018, 16:00 - 17:00
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Palestrante : Dr. Luis A. Martinez-Vaquero (ISTC-CNR, Italy)

Título : “Mechanisms to understand the evolution of cooperation at different levels of complexity in social and biological systems”

Resumo : 

The emergence and sustainability of cooperation is considered one of the most challenging problems in science. Evolutionary game theory, which applies evolutionary concepts of theoretical biology to game theory, has been intensively used to study the problem of cooperation at different scales in diverse fields, from economy and sociology to biology and ecology. I will present a few specific cases where we used evolutionary game theory to model and analyse the dynamics of different complex systems and the emergence of cooperation. Using a reputation-based model of indirect reciprocity, we have analysed the emergence of intolerant behaviours under economic stress in fragmented societies. We have also studied the emergence of behaviours and institutions under cooperative agreements, such as forgiveness, apology, and ostracism. Studying long-memory based strategies, we have deduced the general properties that cooperative strategies should have to e merge in arbitrarily large systems under direct reciprocity. Finally, we have analysed the co-evolution of reciprocity and signalling in quorum sensing groups.

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