Amplified Yb fiber-based laser system operating at 200 kHz and 1040 nm with pulses of the order of 300 fs

Amplified Yb fiber-based laser system operating at 200 kHz and 1040 nm with pulses of the order of 300 fs


Prof. Dr. Lázaro Aurélio Padilha Junior


Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin (IFGW) - Departamento de Eletrônica Quântica (DEQ) - Prédio A6 - Andar superior - Lab. 209


Para reservas, entrar em contato com Prof. Dr. Lázaro Aurélio Padilha Junior


Amplified Yb fiber-based laser system operating at 200 kHz and 1040 nm with pulses of the order of 300 fs