Colóquio da Pós-Graduação do IFGW - Prof. Dr. Guilherme Penello Temporão – PUC-RJ
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- Colóquio da Pós-Graduação do IFGW - Prof. Dr. Guilherme Penello Temporão – PUC-RJ
Título: Tackling engineering challenges in metropolitan quantum networks
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Guilherme Penello Temporão - PUC-RJ
Data: 18/03/2025 às 16h00, no Auditório do IFGW
Quantum networks enable the transmission, distribution, and sharing of quantum states among geographically distant nodes with quantum information processing capabilities. At the metropolitan scale, where nodes are typically separated by tens of kilometers, establishing quantum links that meet performance requirements for practical applications —such as the quantum bit error rates and secret key rates in quantum key distribution (QKD) — presents significant engineering challenges. This talk will explore the key challenges encountered in building the Rio Quantum Network, a metropolitan QKD network spanning the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Key topics include coexistence with multiplexed classical communication channels, synchronization, polarization and phase stabilization, Rayleigh backscattering issues, loss mitigation, and the compatibility of different qubit encoding schemes across wavelengths and degrees of freedom of single photons.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin
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Cidade Universitária, Campinas - SP, 13083-859
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