Colóquio da Pós-Graduação do IFGW - Prof. Chun Shen - Wayne State University, USA
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- Colóquio da Pós-Graduação do IFGW - Prof. Chun Shen - Wayne State University, USA
Title: The golden age of multi-messenger heavy-ion physics
Speaker: Prof. Chun Shen - Wayne State University, USA
Nuclear matter has a complex phase structure, including a deconfined Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) phase at extreme pressures and temperatures. The hot QGP behaves like a nearly perfect fluid and fills the universe during its first few microseconds after the Big Bang. High-energy collisions of heavy atomic nuclei recreate this hot nuclear matter in the laboratory. Like modern astronomy, measurements of various particle species from the collisions elucidate different aspects of the QGP properties, forming multi-messenger heavy-ion physics. Understanding how the intriguing QGP properties emerge from the fundamental theory requires comprehensive phenomenological frameworks, like the JETSCAPE framework, which offers a unified tool to study all experimental observables. In this talk, I will discuss the recent progress in the quantitative description of QGP transport properties deriving from global Bayesian inference with experimental measurements. These studies advance our understanding of strongly interacting many-body systems. I will highlight the versatile connections of heavy-ion physics with the nuclear structure community, nuclear astrophysics at large net baryon densities, and small collision systems in the future Electron-Ion Collider.
Local: Auditório do IFGW
Data: 13/03/2025 às 14:00h
Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin
Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 777
Cidade Universitária, Campinas - SP, 13083-859
Fone +55 19 3521-5297
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