Colóquio da pós-graduação - Prof. Diego Restrepo (Universidade de Antioquia)
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- Colóquio da pós-graduação - Prof. Diego Restrepo (Universidade de Antioquia)
"Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) at the national Level: the Colombian case" Diego Restrepo (University of Antioquia) Resume: The design and implementation of the CRIS platform is presented. This is a platform similar to INSPIRE HEP (or where the front-end is generated from a well documented Application Programming Interface (API) that can be used by third parties to smooth the flux of the information for multiple purposes. Each output of research produced by the participating universities is presented at many sublevels: author, research group, department, faculty, university and country, with metrics relevant for each level. Participe no Auditório do IFGW ou também pelo Meet, através do link:
Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin
Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 777
Cidade Universitária, Campinas - SP, 13083-859
Fone +55 19 3521-5297
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