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Seminário - ““Quantum Stochastic Walks: realizability and quantum simulation ” - Prof. Bruno Gouvêa Taketani (UFSC)
Terça-feira, Novembro 12, 2019, 16:00 - 17:00
Contato: Secretaria do DFMC|Este endereço para e-mail está protegido contra spambots. Você precisa habilitar o JavaScript para visualizá-lo.


Quantum walks are a promising framework that can be used to both understand and implement quantum information processing tasks. The quantum stochastic walk is a recently developed framework that combines the concept of a quantum walk with that of a classical random walk, through open system evolution of a quantum system. Quantum stochastic walks have been shown to have applications in as far reaching fields as artificial intelligence. However, there are significant constraints on the kind of open system evolutions that can be realized in a physical experiment. In this talk we will discuss the restrictions on the allowed open system evolution, and the physical assumptions underpinning them. We will show that general implementations would require the complete solution of the underlying unitary dynamics, and sophisticated reservoir engineering, thus weakening the benefits of experimental investigations. Finally, we will discuss a quantum trajectories approach to implement quantum simulations of quantum stochastic walks.

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