Dr. Júlio C. Cézar (Sírius) e Prof. Abner de Siervo (Grupo de Física de Superfícies)

Título do Projeto: Extrinsic magnetoelectric interaction of 2D monolayers on ferroelectric surfaces

Area: Superfícies e Interfaces, Magnetismo, Matéria Condensada.

Quantidade de bolsas: Doutorado Direto: 1

Agência financiadora:Agência financiadora:

Valor da bolsa: Primeiro ano: R$ 2.507,10; Segundo ano: R$ 2.661,60; Terceiro ano: R$ 3.694,80; Quarto ano: R$ 4.572,90

Resumo do Projeto

During this PhD project the student will grow and characterize the electronic structure of (anti)ferroelectric materials BiFeO3, BaTiO3 and HfO2, and use the electric polarization of these films to control the spin state of 2D molecular monolayers. The ferroelectric systems will be fabricate by pulsed laser deposition and molecular beam epitaxy, and fully characterized for their structural, electronic and dielectric properties. The electric polarization of these films will be controlled at microscopic range using both piezoforce response and scanning tunneling microscopies (PFM and STM).

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