Título: Photovoltaic solar energy, electrochemical energy storage, electrical mobility and green hydrogen.
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Rüther - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Data: 19/04 (quarta-feira)
Horário: 14h00

Local: Auditório "Inés Joekes"
Resumo: For the last seven years, solar photovoltaics (PV) has been the fastest-growing energy generation technology worldwide. While the first PV cell has been presented nearly 70 years ago, it is only in the last 10 years that cost-reductions have made it possible for solar generation to become cost-competitive with traditional energy conversion technologies. The vast majority of PV cells are made of silicon, the second most abundant element on Earth (after oxygen), but R&D efforts are under way in many research laboratories all over the world to investigate other materials that might enable PV to overcome the <30% Silicon solar cell efficiency barrier. At the same time, with the need to reduce the carbon footprint of human activity, the electrification of everything (heating, mobility, etc.) is underway, and electric vehicles are becoming widespread. In electrochemical storage, Li-ion batteries are dominating the scene, with strong cost-reductions underway, and the second-life of the batteries discarded from electric vehicles offer an important alternative for extending the useful life to stationary applications. Green hydrogen is the most recent trend in high-density energy storage, and Brazil is well positioned to become a relevant player in the production of H-compounds using solar photovoltaics as the energy source for electrolysis. In this talk we will cover many aspects o all these technologies and show the R&D carried out at the Solar Energy Research Laboratory (Fotovoltaica/UFSC www.fotovoltaica.ufsc.br) at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.
Short CV: Professor Titular da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC. Formado em Engenharia Metalúrgica pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) em 1988, concluiu o Mestrado em Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais em 1991 também naquela universidade. Em 1995 obteve o título de Ph.D. no Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, The University of Western Australia, na Austrália. Durante 1995 e 1996 realizou pós-doutorado no Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme na Alemanha, na área de Sistemas Solares Fotovoltaicos. Em 1997 ingressou na UFSC, onde ministra as disciplinas de Instalações Elétricas, Energia Solar Fotovoltaica e Edifícios Solares Fotovoltaicos na graduação e pós-graduação e em 2011-2012 realizou um segundo pós-doutorado na School of Electrical, Electronic & Computer Engineering, The University of Western Australia. Professor Visitante da Universidade de Freiburg – Alemanha. Diretor Técnico do Instituto para o Desenvolvimento das Energias Alternativas na América Latina - IDEAL e Coordenador do Laboratório Fotovoltaica/UFSCVice-Presidente da International Solar Energy Society - ISES.
Prof. Responsável: Ana Flávia Nogueira
Transmissão para a Comunidade externa: https://www.youtube.com/live/ui9VBhkQc-k
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